Broadgun pdfMachine 15.81 Full Version

 Broadgun pdfMachine 15.81 Full Version

Broadgun pdfMachine 15.81 Full Version
File size: 13.8 MB

pdfMachine turns a print stream directly from an application into a PDF. Once you’ve installed the pdf writer, open the file you want to turn into a PDF, click “print,” choose the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer,” and you’re done!


When printed or viewed, a pdfMachine-made PDF document keeps all of the formattings from the original document. PDF files keep the format of documents the same no matter what software, hardware, or operating system was used to make the original file. There are many free PDF readers on the Internet that can be used to open, read, and print them. They can also be viewed on Windows, macOS, and Unix variants.


PDF is the best format for digital documents that will be kept for a long time. Software gets old over time, and when that happens, some documents can no longer be read by modern technology. Spread-out formats like PDF are more likely to be used in the future than proprietary formats like MS Word. Even if PDFs aren’t used anymore in 50 years, you can still have a viewer made to read your documents. All you need is the PDF specification.

Searchable PDFs can store text in a way that can be searched.

Browsers Netscape and Internet Explorer can both be used to look at PDF files. The files can then be printed or saved for later use. This makes it easy to use a website or intranet.

Size and Color

PDF files can be printed sharply and in the right colors on most printers, and the colors onscreen match up perfectly no matter what brand of the monitor is used. Users can enlarge documents by up to 800% without the text or graphics becoming less clear. PDF files can be made to work better, and they are often smaller than other formats.

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